Libertadores del Sur: The Wars for South American Independence, 1809-1824 (Vol. I)

530,00 kr.
Varenummer: LWG-LDS

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Libertadores del Sur is a two-player military simulation wargame of the Southern Theater of the Latin American Wars for Independence.

Antal spiller: 2 / Spilletid: - / Alder: - / Level: - / Afventer udgivelse

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The Patriot player controls the Argentine Ruling Directory forces and various federated and allied forces, while the Royalist player controls Spanish Regular Army, trained Loyalist South American forces and militia units.

Several other historical armed factions contend for each player's attention when formulating strategy, from a land grabbing Portuguese-Brazilian Imperialist army, to local guerrilla units, breakaway Federal Republics, and a native Incan Rebellion in the Andes Highlands.

Each player will face similar daunting logistical and political challenges as they attempt to impose their military will on their opponents over a vast theater of operations spanning Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, and parts Bolivia & Brazil.

Libertadores del Sur is an operational level simulation with a point to point card driven game system.

Each turn represents one year's campaigning season.

The players have a chance to raise and reorganize new forces prior to beginning operations, and reset their sides' morale, depending on how many provinces they control.

During the Operations phase, players take turns playing cards causing historical events and/or activate forces to move and attack.

Operations continue until the player's run out of cards, or run out of morale.

When operations end, the players have a chance to consolidate political control over provinces where they drove out enemy forces, and combat units fall back to controlled areas.

There are three scenarios allowing the players to start at different points of the campaign.

The 1810 scenario starts with the first of the local juntas establishing themselves in response to Napoleon's invasion of the Iberian Peninsula.

The 1814 scenario begins with Argentine General San Martin superseding Argentine General Belgrano, and the Patriots attempting to recover from various strategic set-backs.

The 1817 scenario is a mini-game covering only the liberation of Chile.