Conflict Of Heroes: Guadalcanal

699,00 kr.
Varenummer: AYG5014

I maj 1942 har Japan spredt sig over Stillehavet og truer Amerikas forsyningslinjer til Australien efter at have bygget en flyveplads på øen Guadalcanal.

Antal spiller: 2 - 4 / Spilletid: 60 min. / Alder: 12+ / Sværhedsgrad: Medium / Udg. 2016

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USA iværksætter en dårligt forberedt besættelse af Guadalcanals flyveplads, med 1. marinedivision. Japanerne afskærer marinerne til søs og hælder tusindvis af japanske forstærkninger i. Der opstår en desperat kamp, ​​da amerikanerne forsøger at holde fast i deres lille fodfæste mod det japanske imperiums overmagt.

Hvis en japansk kommandant 'mister ansigt' under kamp, ​​kan hans kommando og mænds moral smuldre. Dette er et banebrydende nyt koncept, der tvinger spillere til at tænke som deres kolleger fra 1942.

Conflict of Heroes har et hurtigt og flydende system, der er let at lære, men realistisk for alle de unikke scenerier.

-The Battles of Alligator Creek

-Bloody Ridge

-The Battle of Henderson Field

-And 9 more thrilling engagements

Det hurtige og simultane spil giver spillerne mulighed for at interagere uden at vente.

Lær en ny spiller at spille på under 5 minutter. Ingen diagrammer!

Historisk nøjagtig:

skildrer realistiske styrker og taktikker.

Smukke kort og terrænbrikker, der skildrer det varierede landskab i Guadalcanal

For Manual: TRYK HER

4   large mounted geomorphic game maps that include beautifully rendered beaches, jungles, and         ridges.

1   sheet of thick overlays that add rivers, villages, and hills to any map.

40 LARGE and thick 1" die cut Marine counters depicting Stuart tanks, antitank guns, 1st Raiders,         Mortars, and more!

40 Japanese 1" die cut unit counters that include grenade dischargers, snipers, Chi-Ha tanks and         more.

20 unique Japanese hit counters that add the uncertainty of no-effect hits!

20 American hit counters.

10 Vehicle hit counters

A Firefight book that includes the campaign summary and maps, historical context and 16 firefights for 2 - 4 players.

A Programmed learning rulebook that teaches the rules in tiny fast and easy to learn steps.

And much more.

This game is boxed like all other games in the series and includes a plastic sorting tray.

Dec 7, 1941 - War explodes across the Pacific when the Japanese attack the American fleet at Pearl Harbor. By May 1942, Japan has spread across the Pacific and is threatening America’s supply lines to Australia after building an airfield on the island of Guadalcanal.

The United States counters with an ill-prepared occupation of Guadalcanal’s airfield with the 1st Marine Division. The Japanese retaliate with vengeance, cutting off the Marines by sea and pouring in thousands of Japanese reinforcements. A desperate struggle ensues, as the Americans try to hold on to their tiny foothold against the might of the Japanese Empire.

In Guadalcanal, the Americans track VPs, but the Japanese track Bushido. If a Japanese commander ‘loses face’ during battle, his command and men’s morale can crumble. This is a groundbreaking new concept that forces players to think like their 1942 counterparts.

Conflict of Heroes features a fast and fluid system that is easy to learn but realistic to all of the unique theaters of battle portrayed.

Fun: Quick, simultaneous play allows players to interact without waiting.

Easy: Teach a new player how to play in under 5 minutes. No charts!

Historically Accurate: Portrays realistic forces and tactics.

Artwork: Beautiful maps and overlays depicting the varied landscape of Guadalcanal